Privacy Policy

Gross Waddell ICR Pty. Ltd. (ACN: 606 080 193) trading as Gross Waddell ICR is committed to respecting your right to privacy and protecting your personal information.   

We collect and use only personal information required for business dealings.   Gross Waddell ICR only retain data for as long as it’s legally required.   All information is keep securely and is deleted (and shredded) as soon as we are able.

It is important all of our documents and systems are up to date.   Please keep us informed if your personal information changes.   Gross Waddell ICR will always need to verify your identity before changing any of your personal information on your records.

This notice describes our privacy policy.  Gross Waddell ICR is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. 

Gross Waddell ICR may, from time to time, review and update this privacy policy to take account of new laws and technology and changes to Gross Waddell ICR’s operations. Please visit this page periodically, to check for updates.